2021 Membership Reaffirmation

Each year the Wesleyan Church requires all members to reaffirm their commitment to Jesus Christ and loyalty to the local Wesleyan Church.

In keeping with the requirements of The Wesleyan Church for its members to make an annual reaffirmation of commitment to Jesus Christ and of loyalty to the local Wesleyan Church at which membership is held, I affirm the following as an act of humble accountability and joyful proclamation:


- Who has been born again through faith in Jesus Christ.
- Who has been baptized according to Jesus Christ’s commandment.
- Who is committed to pursuing holiness in all things.


- Who believes and is familiar with the teachings of The Wesleyan Church, including the Articles of Religion and the Elementary Principles (visit
https://www.wesleyan.org/about/articles-of-religion for copies of these documents).

Who accepts the authority of The Wesleyan Church in matters of church government.


- Who is committed to advancing the mission and vision of Jesus Christ at Eastview Wesleyan Church, as the Lord directs, through:
- Regularly attending a weekend worship service online or in person at Eastview Wesleyan Church to worship God as the Body of Christ.
- Attending additional available programs offered online or in person at Eastview Wesleyan Church as a means of spiritual growth.
- Rendering financial support to Eastview Wesleyan Church in recognition of God's sovereign ownership.
- Serving at Eastview Wesleyan Church regularly to the best of my ability in order to further Christ’s Kingdom.*

*Exception is given to members with physical limitations or extenuating circumstances. Please contact Pastor Mark Atkinson at 765-674-7076 or pastormark
@eastviewwesleyan.com with any questions you may have.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.


Each year the Wesleyan Church requires all members to reaffirm their commitment to Jesus Christ and loyalty to the local Wesleyan Church.